Monday, April 09, 2007


Schmoop and I had a lovely Easter, what an amazing day. There is something about Easter that just invigorates me, I guess its just the realization that this actually happened. My Savior died for me but then rose from the dead! I've been thinking alot about how hard death is to deal with. My sister Anna's father in law found out he has cancer all over his body and doesn't have long to live. Just talking to my sister I can hear the toll this takes on her and her family. They want him to live with them and take care of him but they both have full time jobs and his care is a full time job in itself. So now he is in thier living room in a hospital bed and they have neighbors and church people filling in for them while they're at work. It reminds me of when my friend Don was diagnosed with cancer living with him and his family and watching him die before my eyes. Death, the actual action of it, is horrible. We do have that hope however that that loved one will know the Lord and will see him face to face and stand before Him in glory. I don't know what I would do without that hope and because of that I could never be more thankful.

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