Wow, I've really been slacking in the blogging department. Oops!
This weekend was insane! I took a half day on Thursday then had off Friday until Today. During that time I was helping a friend with her wedding (Friday Night), making a cake for a friends retirement (Sat Afternoon), driving down to a friends shore house (Sat Evening) and sleeping over, chilling at the beach with a good group of friends, driving home, and completely overhauling my house.
Yesterday I realized that the hubs forgot I had off of work when he called me a couple times to make sure I was awake at 7am. I decided I wanted to surprise him with a clean house and dinner on the table when he got home from work. This may seem like an easy task for someone who has the Whole Entire Day to get ready for it, but our house was hurting. The hubs and I both got new computers last week (yes that was the surprise!) and we spent the whole week playing with them while the house crashed down around us. It was bad! It was REALLY REALLY Bad! I went to town and cleaned the whole upstairs (I'm talking polished the furniture and everything). Took clothes to Goodwill and while I was out got an oil change with a free car wash. Started doing 6 loads of laundry. Changed sheets, vacuumed, did dishes, organized closets, scrubbed both bathrooms, moved about 200 cd's back to where we keep them (to be organized by the hubs), replanted the herbs that died while I was away in July, cleaned the cat litter, paid bills, organized our paperwork. By the time the hubs got home dinner wasn't on the table and I was grumpy! So much for a surprise right!! Welcome home the house is almost clean and I'm tired and grumpy!! Ahh I had the best of intentions. The hubs was a trooper and made dinner and helped clean last evening. Oh yeah I even washed our shower curtains, apparently you are not supposed to dry them though cause now we have a mini skirt curtain! :)
Today though it was like waking up to a clean slate. Everything was where it should be, I put away the last load of laundry before I made my way to work. I put a little extra effort into the way I'm presenting myself. It felt so good to ride to work in a clean car and I'm excited to come home to a clean house as well. I'm going to work at getting the house and the yard in better order and taking the smaller steps to keeping it like that. Weight loss has been going good I'm over the 20lb down mark now I'm working on my 40lb which I hope to have by Thanksgiving. Have any of my fluffy readers tried Dietbug? Oh My Gosh, I love it!! It has really helped me figure out the best way to eat. You have to keep your calories, fat, carbohydrates and proteins within a healthy range. It has really helped me to understand the whole balance to how you should eat, I feel like I kind of get it now. Well thats about it I have a few other things to update during the week as well.