Sunday, November 14, 2010


Tomorrow is my 5 year Bloggoversary, I started this blog about 2 weeks before I started dating my now husband. It seems so weird that my life has changed so much in this time. I'm so happy to have a record of all these changes even if I wasn't always the greatest at updating.

I'm having a hard time with this Nablopomo thing mostly because I'm exhausted. The little man is going through a growth spurt right now so I'm literally nursing him ALL THE TIME. He also won't go to anyone but me right now so taking a nap on the weekend is all but impossible as he'll scream the whole time if I'm not holding him. He is such a wonderful little boy and I'm so happy right now but I'm really really really hoping for just a bit of sleep tonight. Its 7:30 and we're all in bed for the night so I'm crossing my fingers :)

Anyway I hope to update with some good stuff this week to make up for my lameness in the past few days.

1 comment:

*shell* said...

Wow 5 years is impressive. Keep it up! And hang in there with the sleep thing. Growth spurts are rough....hopefully you'll all catch up on some sleep soon!