Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Update on Emmie

So I first introduced you to Emmie last month asking for prayers. She has been basically throwing up since the beginning of October and the doctors don't know what to do. My heart breaks for Emmie and also her family as they sit by her at CHOP (childrens hospital of Penn). Schmoop and I went to visit her and she was just so wiped out, she did open her eyes for a little bit and give us a little wave but all in all the poor girl is just worn out from all her little body has been through. Her arms bear the scars of many many IV pricks and she has just lost so much weight from all the throwing up. Its very frustrating for everyone because the doctors can't figure out whats going on in her little body. Her mom was telling me that the doctor will just start crying because he doesn't know what he can do to help. If you could make Emmie and her family your Christmas prayer that God will heal her and give her family peace through this whole situation.
Its so easy to get caught up in all the gift buying and parties but please remember that there are people out there that need our prayers, kind words and actions; it is the true meaning of this season. I would encourage you to look around you and see if there is someone that you think could use some extra encouragement, maybe a kind note, a smile. Mostly I just ask your prayers for sweet Emmie.
Merry Christmas,


Michelle Smiles said...

Poor little one. How scary for her and her family.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor had this problem, doctors didn't know what to do. They wanted to operate her. I gave her GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT, you can find it in healh food store. She recovered quikly after monts of trowing of food & being very sick. It is bitter use it with orange juice.