Sunday, March 11, 2007

Anxiety Attacks!!!

So here we are 6 days from the wedding and I'm freaking out. Its not about the actual fact that I'm marrying Schmoop, that I couldn't be more clear about. He really is the man of my dreams.
No, its the actual wedding. I'm so scared of tripping, looking ugly or screwing up the whole wedding somehow.
Because of these fears every little thing anyone says to me is making me soo upset. Even good friends teasing me, I know logically that it shouldn't upset me but it is. So my public service announcement this week, DO NOT USE SARCASM WITH ME. That is unless you want to reduce this bride to tears... Its driving me nuts, I can't wait till the Honeymoon.
Then after the Honeymoon, regular life again. Regular non-stressed filled life, filled with normal friendships. I feel like I've been so catty lately, I got so convicted about it yesterday. If I've treated you badly or said things out of turn to you I apologize.


mama k said...

Breathe with me now.
Its. All. Going. To. Be. Ok.

As long as you've done everything on your "list" you are set, hon!
It's NORMAL to be stressed leading up to your wedding. I'm sure everyone understands. I had anxiety dreams for about a month before mine.
Sorry if I was the one teasing ya. Hope you had a good time last night too. : )

Anonymous said...

Ruined my week..........who am i going to tease now?

You are and will be beautiful, and everything will go wonderfully....if not i will personally get in someones face and fix it!

You wedding will be the event of the season!