0) What’s your name and website URL? (optional, of course)
My real name is Kristi.
www.mcdirkey.com-will start soon just learning some HTML
1) What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (two sentences max) I really love my job right now its basically where I've always wanted to work so its neat working there finally.
2) A. Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (one sentence max) I wish I could go on the missions trip with the youth kids this year but I can't.. :(
B. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off? (one sentence max) If I was still at my old job I would say quit but I actually like where I am. I usually kind of do whatever is reasonable that I want to do.
3) A. What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (two sentences max)
1. I would like to be better at budgeting my time
2. I want to run a more organized household.
B. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn? (two more sentences, max) Does Jesus count? If not probably Martha Stewart or Rachel Ray.
4) A. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you? (stated by Schmoop) silly, sweet and impulsive
B. Now list two more words you wish described you… organized and debt free (soon except for the mortgage)
5) What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes– three sentences max) cooking, creating and learning. I really like creating whatever I can and learning basically whatever I can so I can't be more specific on that.
6) Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone (with answer in three sentences max) I would ask Eva Longoria why she would wear that? (see below). I have no clue.