Wednesday, November 29, 2006


My Blogiversary was Nov 15th and I MISSED IT! All this house stuff is distracting me from the really important things in life, writing to complete strangers and to people who already know everything I'm writing about.
My missing my blogiversary is definitely out of character, being the youngest of six children alot of my childhood was spent reminding people who I was. One thing EVERYONE knew though was my birthday (October 14th). It could be a cold day in January but I would be reminding people at the dinner table that my birthday was a mere 9.5 months from now and they should prepare! I'm going to start doing this with my blogiversary.
only about 11.5 months till my blogiversary, if your clueless as to what to buy me please see the helpful guide I put up on the sidebar.
-once i get the kitchen set up in the new house I will make a beautiful blogiversary cake just like Mama K.


mama k said...

Happy Blogversary! I didn't realize you started yours right after mine.
Congrats again on the house!

Anonymous said...

Now we have to hear about your blogaversary and your birthday.............oh no what had my world come to.