Wednesday, November 08, 2006


So I'm pretty much freaking out with the impending close on the house. In less than two weeks Jason and I will have a house! I want to do soo many things; paint, carpet, put hardwood down, decorate, get furniture. I'll have to physically restrain myself from doing too much right off. Want to do it right, not go spending all our money right away. Self restraint is not a strong suit with me so we will see how this little battle between good dirkey and bad dirkey ends up..... I have a feeling it will help to have level headed schmoop weigh in with good dirkey.

-ps-Jason is the only one living there till we get hitched... sheesh people...


learninghorses said...

paint first. You won't want to do anything else after that. :)

Anonymous said...

i second that. and you know that i normally like painting. after a few days of that it will suck up your momentum.