Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'd like to thank....

I'd like to thank all the little people who helped me to get this award.. Ok maybe not the little people but one of my favorite people, Trace for nominating me for this, my first, bloggy award. Trace is a sweetie and I would go ahead and send her one back but she's got her one (you should check out her blog if you haven't already). She's one of my first internet friends, you know the type, you've never met them in person but you still feel like you know them. We'll we've talking about getting together cause she's lives kind of closeish and near where my Schmoop works; and also she likes wine and Melting Pot (what more do you need in a friend!). Anyway, thanks Trace!!

So I'd like to nominate Mama K for the award as well! She's a fun mom to a little peanut, she's in the midst of starting something big so keep an eye on her!

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