Wednesday, July 26, 2006


He's been forced to live in Minnesota, I know its horrible. I hear he tried to escape with the help of my Navy Seal neice but he got caught and sent back because he was so short.

I know what your thinking, and trust me I've told them living in Minnesota is like some sort of chid abuse. But they don't listen, and they spin the poor kid into submission.. Look at him, the will to fight and be sarcastic has completely left him. At least he is still adorable.


Anonymous said...

I see this happy child all the time......he is happy and well adjusted with the exception of the severe trauma caused by and un-named aunt who has been promising to visit him for a year now..........poor little guy is going to need some serious hours of therapy over that.

Dirkey said...

if he knew how to be sarcastic, he would make his aunt realize her error with some witty comment that would bring her promptly on the plane out to see him. But sadly he's been brainwashed...