Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A dream come true

So you all know that I considered myself a black thumb before this year, right? Well as you know I decided to just try to plant a little garden

My only goal was to harvest ONE thing. I planted a bunch of different varieties but just wanted to at least harvest one thing and go from there.

I've been surprised by the anticipation and joy the garden has brought me, not to mention the pride that I started all the plants except one as seeds.

I go out every day to check on them and see if the plants are flowering, making sure they are well watered.

Well over the weekend when I went out there, I found this:

Yes, its a dream come true. I have harvested!


*shell* said...

Yay...zukes are the best...they grow like weeds! :)

Em said...

That's fantastic Kristi. I can't wait to have a house so I can grow a garden as well! My mom said that her garden is doing spectacular this year, too, so it must be a great year for fresh vegies!

Anonymous said...

Yay! You look so happy with your veggie! I know the feeling - I have green bell peppers this year!

Anonymous said...

i think zuchinni would grow in toxic waste!
We are starting to "harvest" too!

mama k said...


Maybe next year. :P