Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I've been reflecting on the difference between this year and last. Last year was the deepest valley of my life and I'm just so thankful to be on the other side of it. Those valleys certainly help you appreciate the peaks. Right now we are standing on a peak but I know that there are times and seasons for all of this and that there are other valleys we will have to walk through and other peaks to ascend. I'm thankful right now for both the valleys and the peaks because both of them make you who you are.
I'm so excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow, we are going over my moms and I don't have to cook. We are also bringing a turkey over to my parents house to have my brother fry. Soo not only do I not have to cook but I still get leftovers.. How thankful am I for THAT! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and run out of fingers and toes when you count your blessings. :)

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