Sunday, March 26, 2006


Switzerland seemed so cool, from a train.. Sitting on the Glacier Express watching the Swiss Alps roll past us as we chomped on Bread, Brie, and beer.. (yes that was almost every meal by choice!) But then we realized we would have to sleep somewhere, Jason was scared that his mothers worst fears would finally be realized...

But happily we did find an amazing place with a balcony that had a view on all sides of the Swiss Alps.. We even found a laundramat.. Here is a pic of Jason and I on our journey to smell less and less like we slept in our clothes.....

The POLICE are crazy party people in Switzerland, they are always stopping and FARTING!!! I don't know about you but nothing says party like a designated police farting area!!! WOO!!! (The gnome knows how to party)

First rule about fight club... try to look as tough as i do in this pic.. yeah i know, its impossible..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scary, you look tougher then him in the last pic! Jason...toughen up you pansie!